About Me

I live in Utah's Salt Lake Metro area with two dogs, Snort and Grunt. I enjoy gardening, and we went a bit stir-crazy during the pandemic and built a pond. I am a lifelong gamer and enjoy hard rock and metal music.



My Garden

Random Info

Preferred Work Schedule
Eastern Time: 8-5 pm, but I will work in any time zone.
Serenity Now
Insanity later
Most Productive Time
Early in the morning, I like to get big projects done early in the day.
Inbox Style
Zero unread, with tasks flagged for follow-up.
Current Obsession
I tend to paint owls and birds obsessively, and I collect brass objects.
Hyperfocus Music
Albums: Fear Innocum by Tool or Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd. I also love to dive into classic rock like Led Zeppelin, Heart, or Supertramp.

Hey there!

To learn more about my background and skills, check out my resume, LinkedIn profile, or GitHub. They provide a great snapshot of my experiences and what I can offer.